Design Fundamentals for the Web – Session 7

Bootstrap, Mobile & Responsive Design

March 4, 2014


Last week’s agenda

Review of the Web Design Process

  1. Identify the types of users you need to communicate with
  2. Identify what each user type needs to be able to do
  3. Organize your content semantically
  4. Compose appropriate layouts for your content
  5. Create visual hierarchies for your content with type
  6. Apply design principles to emphasize relationships between elements
  7. Create mood and enhance your visual hierarchies and element relationships using color
  8. Breath life into your design with behavioral feedback
  9. Test, rinse & repeat!


Internet Traffic by Device Type

2013 Internet traffic by device infographic from Walker-Sands

Device Viewport Sizes

Example list of device viewport sizes

Device Screen Resolutions

When viewing web pages using Retina Displays, images in your designs will appear smaller than what you expect because of their higher Pixel Per Inch (ppi) resolutions. As a result, you may choose to provide alternate, higher resolution images when the device accessing your content has a Retina Display. This can be accomplished using Javascript and the window.devicePixelRatio property, which we'll discuss next session.

Device Connection Bandwidth

Using Javascript, we can detect our device's connection speed and conditionally include appropriately-sized images, depending upon available bandwidth. This will ensure images download quickly, since performance is an import design consideration.

Responsive Web Design

Flexible Grids


Let's convert last week's layout example from fixed width to relative width.


@media Queries

The @media rule allows us to apply style rules conditionally based upon media type or device capabilities. For example, you can set your small text to sans-serif type for screen-based media, and serif type for printing:

@media screen { * { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif; } }
@media print { * { font-family: Times New Roman, Serif; } }

Here's some more info on CSS @media rules on W3Schools.


Let's use @media queries to conditionalize our styles depending on device viewport size.


Responsive Media

In order for our grids to be flexible, we also have to make sure our media, including images and video, are flexible. We need to make our media responsive for a few reasons:

For the sake of this week's discussion, today we'll address making images responsive to viewport size using the width and height HTML attributes. We'll discess some alternatives using Javascript that also address screen resolution and bandwidth considerations next session when we address Javascript & jQuery.


Let's demonstrate using the width and height HTML attributes to make images responsive.


Mobile First

When creating Responsive Web Designs, we want to take a mobile-first approach – we want to assume our smallest device is our default, and layer additional @media rules on top of that. With this mobile-first philosophy, we need to include a special meta tag in our HTML <head> tag to tell the browser we want it to maximize it's viewing area to fit the device's viewport:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">


Let's log into Github and update our layouts & stylesheets to make them Responsive.

  1. add the viewport meta tag to the headers in our project HTML files
  2. replace fixed widths (px) with relative widths (% or em) using the responsive design formula: target / context = result
  3. update your stylesheets with @media rules for each of the device viewport sizes discussed earlier in class
  4. make your images responsive by setting the width="100%" & height="100%" attributes

Twitter's Bootstrap CSS Framework

Twitter's Bootstrap CSS Framework is a mobile-first, Responsive Web Design framework. Bootstrap gives you a complete grid system with default @media rules for responsive styling, along with sensible default font settings, and a set of baked-in CSS icons with their Glyphicons componenet. Use Bootstrap as a starting point, and override it using your own stylesheet where you want more control.

Installing Bootstrap

Bootstrap requires a number of prerequisite libraries to be included in your project, including jQuery and, for IE 8 compatability, respond.js and html5shiv.js. We'll use a combination of the Content Delivery Network (CDN) version of Bootstrap and the basic template from Bootstrap's Getting Started page to get set up.

Using Bootstrap

Now that we have Bootstrap installed, let's hook it into our layout using Bootstrap's container, row and col-* classes:


Log into JSFiddle and let's update our example layout to use Bootstrap.

Assignment 7



Make your project Responsive using the Bootstrap CSS Framework

Log into Github and fork your current project into a new repository. Using the Bootstrap basic template as your guide, update your project to use Bootstrap as your base stylesheet:

  1. link the Bootstrap CDN stylesheet into your HTML <head>: <link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
  2. link in the javascript libraries that make IE8 compatible:
    <!--[if lt IE 9]>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
  3. link in the jQuery & Bootstrap javascript libraries at the bottom of your html right above the </body> tag
  4. replace your id="wrapper" with class="container" in your outer <div>
  5. use the row and col-* classes to recreate your responsive layout using Bootstrap